Sunday, June 29, 2014

142 terrorists killed, helicopter shot down as Iraq continues push into Tikrit

(Iraq) While controlling the vast majority of the city of Tikrit, Iraqi forces have met stiff resistance from the ISIS terrorists who advanced and took almost the whole of Western Iraq in a period of 2 weeks. (Kind of helped that the people are like them, Sunni Muslims.)

This offensive is something of a make or break for both sides, as whoever wins will have a free reign to advance. Well not so much the ISIS terrorists, as they will be stretching their lines of supply and communication, while the Iraqi army units will be shortening theirs.
Anyway, a communique from the Iraqi army today revealed that in the past 24 hours they have killed 142 ISIS terrorists, without giving any figures of their own losses. Also, a wedding party being held a few miles from Tikrit was hit from the air by the Iraqi air force, killing 4 people.

Ramadan death toll is now at 223.