Sunday, November 4, 2012

British Muslims go to Cyprus to murder British Soldiers

(Cyprus) Today in the coastal town of Aya Napa, 19-year-old British soldier David Collins was attacked by 3 so called British tourists and stabbed to death. Police arrested the men and - shock horror - 2 are Pakistani Muslims and the other is a Somali Muslim. Now, for those of you who don't know, Aya Napa is known for its night clubs, pubs and drinking - not the place 3 Muslims would be seen dead in, but apparently, these 3 had no problem sharing the streets with semi naked women, alcohol and infidels.

Rather I'll put my money on that these so called peaceful murderers went to Cyprus with the sole purpose to murder a white British soldier and then cross the border into Islamic northern Cyprus (which is a stones throw away).

No doubt, some human rights lawyer will be defending these scum saying that they were the real victims.